Elite Vision Expo Success!
In August, more than 3,500 Elite students, parents and friends gathered in Fullerton, California for the second annual Elite Vision Expo, an event dedicated to inspiring young people and equipping them with a plan of action for the future.
Participants met representatives from dozens of colleges and attended panel discussions led by accomplished professionals representing a wide variety of careers. "It's been wild here today," said Elite Instructor and Northwestern University alumna Mattie Hawkinson, "Students and parents are enthusiastic about the process ahead and are getting the specific information they need in order to feel prepared going into the college admissions process."
Event highlights included a keynote address by Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, a presentation on new trends in college admissions by Stephen Lee, and a talk about the pros and cons of following your bliss by Elite Instructor Ethan Sawyer.
We would love to see you at next year's Vision Expo, scheduled for summer 2013! We'll keep you updated online and in our monthly newsletter, so subscribe below for event details and registration information.
Check out some photos from this year's Vision Expo – click here to view the complete gallery