More than just tutoring. The academic guidance your student needs to get ahead and stay ahead in school.

Accepting students in 5th–12th Grade
Elite Premier Tutoring and Academics Management helps students excel in nearly all school subjects and on nearly all standardized tests, including SAT, ACT, AP, ISEE, SSAT, and TOEFL.

Motivation & Accountability
Students are encouraged to stay on top of their grades and take ownership of their studies. We help motivate students and hold them accountable as they progress toward their goals.

Your Academics Management Team
Our teachers, academic advisors, and branch directors all work together to set the foundation for your student’s success. We’re more than just tutors. We’re your team.

Extensive Online Resources
In addition to schoolwork and their instructors’ vast knowledge of their subjects, students will also have access to a library of online curriculum and courses.
Consultation & Goal-Setting
Your initial consultation with an Elite Academic Advisor includes a complete student assessment of GPA, study habits, and personality traits. Together we’ll identify problem areas, set concrete goals, and make a plan of action for academic success.
Personalized Tutoring
Your student will receive regular, customized tutoring with an expert instructor, who will help them raise their scores, develop curiosity, and build powerful study skills that they will use throughout college and beyond.
College Guidance
We’ll help you create a master plan for the future, making sure your student is taking the right classes, participating in the right activities, and heading for college admissions success.
Academic Advising
Juggling your student’s class schedule, tests, and activities while keeping them accountable and motivated can be a lot to handle. That’s where we come in. We’ll meet with you and your student regularly to review their progress and update academic goals.
"The environment at Elite inspires a higher standard of education. My teachers have instilled in me an enthusiasm to seek new perspectives, acquire new techniques, and challenge myself to achieve greater goals."
Sharon L.
Stanford University
"The teachers at Elite are there to help you with anything you need. There’s a focus you gain being surrounded by people with such an impressive work ethic in an atmosphere that fosters success and determination."
Verdinand R.
"The support system at Elite is amazing. Studying in an environment where all my peers supported me and my teachers were so interactive helped me find confidence in myself, and it definitely made studying more fun!"
Lucy C.
UC Berkeley
Contact your local Elite branch to schedule a free consultation!
Programs and packages vary by branch. Please contact us for details.